Swiss army knife for the Reef
#The Project
RangerBot is the world’s first vision-based underwater robotic system designed specifically for coral reef environments. Its unique design and intuitive user interface provides coral reef mangers, researchers, and community groups with a targeted, affordable and reconfigurable solution for upscaling monitoring and management of reef ecosystems worldwide.
This ‘Swiss army knife’-style robo reef protector, the RangerBot Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, will provide reef managers, researchers and community groups extra ‘hands and eyes’ in the water to:
- control pests like the Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish,
- monitor reef health indicators like coral bleaching and water quality, and
- map expansive underwater areas at scales not previously possible.
RangerBot is unlike current manual, expensive acoustics-based, single-purpose solutions. The project will take a quantum technology leap to create the only fully autonomous, affordable, multi-function solution for effectively detecting and addressing threats to coral reefs.
The project will make RangerBot widely available and accessible to reef communities worldwide.
#The Evolution
#Project news
People's Choice Winner
Google Impact Challenge Australia 2016