Terms & Conditions

The Foundation was registered as an Environmental Organisation in Australia on 9 February 2001 and is eligible to receive tax deductible donations. Donations to the Foundation of $2.00 or more are tax deductible in Australia provided they are made voluntarily and the donor receives no material benefit for the donation. The Foundation provides its donors with official receipts for Australian tax purposes.
If you would like a copy of our status certificate, please contact us; Phone: +61 7 3252 7555 Email: info@barrierreef.org Postal address: GPO Box 1362, Brisbane, QLD 4001
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation encourages donations from individuals, foundations and companies. Donations may be in the form of money, property or other assets or in‐kind services. The Foundation will accept donations if:
a) The donation is consistent, in fact and appearance, with its activities, policies, mission, goals and programs; and
b) The donation is not linked to a requirement for the Foundation to endorse any products, policies or services that might be interpreted as a constraint.
Where a donor wishes to make a contribution with constraints the Board must approve the project and constraints. The Foundation has the absolute discretion not to accept donations which may impair, in any way, its reputation or its capacity to carry out its mission and vision.
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Last updated: 03 March 2015